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Quality Assurance

To Companies and Businessmen /Alliance’s Recommendations/
Quality Control   The necessity of implementation of the  independent quality assurance systems   arises from the fact that such systems may be reorganized easier, apply new approaches faster, and provide the more objective evidence with respect to the individual contracts, companies and specific products or services.

The external quality assurance systems are based on the voluntary consent and the understanding of the role and significance of the independent external control procedures.
The quality assurance procedure is implemented irrespective of the internal circumstances and enhances the chances for the presentation of the objective information required by the companies’ management teams for the taking of the right managerial decisions, error detection and correction, and error cause removal, as well as the problem root cause analysis.

The Quality Assurance System includes:

  • External expertise, testing and the joint control measures;
  • Independent experts participation in the products or services transfer to the Consumer / Customer;
  • Quality assurance inspection methods
  • Presentation of the results of the external expertise and control

The subjects of the quality assurance expertise are, or may be:

  • Control systems, business processes, operating activity, quality monitoring and control systems involved and affecting the products or services quality
  • Products or services supplied to the Customers, from the perspective of the products/services compliance with the requirements of the established standards, rules and other mandatory standard regulations and the Customer’s internal rules

What we suggest:

  • Execution of events with the view to acknowledge the mutual recognition by the Supplier and the Customer of the results of the products / services quality assessment performed in accordance with the same control methods and plans;
  • Products / services quality verification and their compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and operating procedures established by the Customer’s regulations
  • Preparation, gathering and analysis of various information; carrying out of tests and participation therein, with the view to establish the external quality assurance system.

Advantages and benefits:

  • Formation of an independent opinion on the products / services quality, allowing to avoid or minimize the risk of the arising of conflict situations with the Consumer (Customer);
  • Providing for the additional confirmation and mutual recognition by the Supplier and the Customer of the results of the products/services quality assessment at the moment of the transfer thereof to the Customer