The Salesmanship training program, Lesson No. 1 Share: Category: Red Miracle Tags: lessons Published: 30.07.2018 Viewes: 316 The Red Miracle begins the lessons under the Salesmanship training program. To begin with, let us define what the word "Seller" means to us. In the minds of the absolute majority of the people, the Seller is associated with the retail sale in the markets and stores. For many people, the Seller is associated either with a dealer who benefits from the "pushing" of some goods, or with persons "of little mark" who toil much and hard at a negligible salary. In reality, everyone of us is a Seller, whether we realize it or not. Irrespective of sex and age, each individual, at a certain moment of time, begins to think about how to earn a living, where and in which direction to grow, to move, and what to do. Actually, it is just at this moment that we begin to think about how to use our skills, knowledge and energy, so that to receive in return the money, amenities or any other rewards; so, actually, we become the Sellers of our abilities. This is just what the Red Miracle proposes to regard as the starting point. And here is why. We should understand that the Seller is not at all a dirty word. The Seller is part of the life of each of us. It is very important to realize and feel it deeply. At the moment when we wonder where to move, how to find a good job or set up our own business, let us imagine that we are the Sellers and ask ourselves several questions: What do we really know well and can do well?! Which knowledge, skills and abilities are we able to offer the people and the society, so that our skills might be accepted by the other people who will agree to pay a certain price for them?! Где, кому и каким образом мы можем продать наши способности?! Summing it up, we come to the understanding: to have our skills and abilities be in demand, they must have the value which will be fair in relation to the market, and besides, the wider public should know about them. It is not by chance that the Red Miracle is discussing the term and notion of the "Seller" in detail, because this is the starting point about which people do not, most often, think at all. In fact, it is extremely important. To be able to offer one’s knowledge and skills in the right way, properly and successfully, and to get an adequate price for them, one should make a number of steps and efforts. Let us imagine quite an ordinary shop. What is necessary for the people to want to enter it and buy anything?! It is quite a number of circumstances: good and useful merchandise of adequate quality, as well as the relevant information of it and its features; convenient arrangement of goods; proficient offer, service, and so on, and so forth. The same situation is with our skills. In order to have them (knowledge and skills) be bought, many various conditions are to be fulfilled. And this becomes the crucial factor and the sticking point for many of us. We are reasoning kind of like this: There are so many people with such knowledge (such profession) as mine, and I will not be able to break in; I do not know anything special to be noticed; To start one’s own business, one needs to have money for advertizing and the initial acquisitions, which I do not have; Special skills are required to offer one’s abilities and knowledge competently and efficiently. All this is really complicated. Just for this reason, the Red Miracle offers to start together the study and discussion of the necessary conditions which shall let everyone to become an efficient and skilful Seller of his/her abilities. Together with you, we shall discuss, step by step, the following actions and steps which shall let you become the successful Sellers: How to introduce yourself so that many people should hear about that and your fortunes should look up; How to raise the value of your abilities; What it is necessary to do so that it will be just your knowledge that will become the most useful and sought after; How to overcome constraints (either the real or the assumed ones); How to overcome one’s doubts and start moving onward. We shall also review many other matters, so that to systematize your knowledge and skills, find use for them and make them competitive.